Notes & Attachments - 3D Printed

Notes & Attachments - 3D Printed

This page explains all relevant features on the Notes & Attachments page of LaserCAM Prescribe for 3D Printed prescription.



Click Notes & Attachments from the menu to access this page in LaserCAM Prescribe.

Page Layout

Page Fields

Notes & Attachments is divided into multiple categories that help a user to easily navigate between prescription options.

Contact Clinician

The Contact Clinician option can be selected when a user would like laboratory staff to contact the clinician prior to undertaking any manufacture.

Confirm Before Manufacture

The Confirm Before Manufacture option can be selected when a user would like laboratory staff to provide a digital file or confirmation images prior to manufacturing the orthosis design.

Clinician Computer-Aided Design

The Clinician Computer-Aided Design option should be selected by users who wish to complete all computer-aided design prior to submission to a laboratory for manufacture.

Many laboratories offer a discount on the manufacture of orthoses if clinicians undertake their own computer-aided design.

Machining Service Only

The Machining Service Only option can be selected when a user would like the orthoses returned post-machining with no alterations or top covers applied.

This option should only be selected by users that are comfortable undertaking all hand finishing work. Many laboratories will offer a discount on the manufacture of orthoses if clinicians undertake their own hand-finishing.


The Turnaround option provides a user with the ability to select a manufacturing timeframe.

Selecting a non-standard Turnaround will result in a surcharge. You should contact your specific laboratory for more information.

Administrative Notes

The Administrative Notes section is for the user to record notes that are non-specific to the left or right foot orthosis manufacture.

Prescription Note (Left Foot)

The Prescription Note (Left Foot) section is for the user to record notes that are specific to the left foot orthosis manufacture.

Prescription Note (Right Foot)

The Prescription Note (Right Foot) section is for the user to record notes that are specific to the right foot orthosis manufacture.


The Attachments section is used to attach any files that are relevant to orthosis manufacture. This can include templates, images, 3D models, prescription notes, biomechanical assessments forms, or any content that can assist with manufacture.

How to attach a file.

(1) To attach a file click the Add File button.

(2) Select the relevant file and click Open.

(3) The file will now be attached to the prescription record.


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