Patient Details

Patient Details

This page explains all relevant features on the Patient Details page of LaserCAM Prescribe.



Click Patient Details from the menu to access this page in LaserCAM Prescribe.

Page Layout

Page Fields

Name of Clinic

This field allows a user to select the Clinic that orthoses are to be delivered to.

You can add a new Clinic by clicking the drop down box and selecting Clinic Details.

Name of Clinician

This field allows a user to select the prescribing Clinician.

You can add a new Clinician by clicking the drop down box and selecting Clinic Details.

First Name

This field is for inputting the First Name of the patient.

Last Name

This field is for inputting the Last Name of the patient.


This field is for selecting the Sex of the patient.


This field is for specifying the Weight of the patient.

This can be a helpful reference for individuals undertaking computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacture (CAM). Certain material selections may be recommended according to patient weight.

Clinic File Number

This Clinic File Number field is an optional entry that helps clinicians to match existing record keeping systems.

Each prescription record generated in LaserCAM Prescribe will be provided with a LaserCAM Job Number. The Clinic File Number is an additional record keeping option.


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