Materials - Machined EVA

Materials - Machined EVA

This page explains all relevant features on the Materials page of LaserCAM Prescribe for Machined EVA prescription.



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Density & Colour

The Density & Colour list allows a user to select the EVA used for the manufacture of the Machined EVA orthosis.

This material list will be specific to your laboratory. A general list has been provided below with standard EVA options provided by PodCAM Supplies.

Default EVAAvailable EVA
Laboratory Specific

EVA 125 (White)

EVA 190 (Black)
EVA 190 (Brown)
EVA 220 (Black)
EVA 220 (White)
EVA 260 (Black)
EVA 260 (Blue)
EVA 350 (Black)
EVA 350 (Brown)
EVA 350 (Flesh)
EVA 350 (Green)
EVA 350 (Grey)
EVA 350 (Pink)
EVA 350 (Purple)
EVA 350 (Red)
EVA 350 (Yellow)
EVA 400 (Blue)

Material Specifications

We recommend to all users to manufacture using low-compression set (%) EVA.

You can view recommended EVA specifications here.

Top Cover

This material list will be specific to your laboratory.

The Top Cover list allows a user to select the covering material that will be at the foot orthosis interface.

Second Cover

The Second Cover list allows a user to select the covering material that will be underneath the Top Cover.

Third Cover

The Third Cover list allows a user to select the covering material that will be underneath the Second Cover.

Cover Attachment

The Cover Attachment option allows a user to request from a variety of attachments options.

Default SelectionAvailable Selections
Attach Covers

Attach Covers

Unattached (Pre-Glued)
Forefoot Unattached

Extend Cover

The Extend Cover option allows a user to pick a region of the Top CoverSecond Cover and Third Cover that they would like extended beyond the Machined EVA orthosis.


A Forefoot cover extension may be requested in millimetres by the user.

This is then provided to the laboratory as reference during top cover application.

Midfoot Medial

A Midfoot Medial cover extension may be requested in millimetres by the user.

This is then provided to the laboratory as reference during top cover application.

This is sometimes used to provide for relief to the navicular tuberosity within footwear.

Midfoot Lateral

A Midfoot Lateral cover extension may be requested in millimetres by the user.

This is then provided to the laboratory as reference during top cover application.

Full Length Plantar Cover

This material list will be specific to your laboratory.

A Full Length Plantar Cover may be requested by the user from the material list.

This will be applied to the entire plantar surface of a Machined EVA orthosis.

Top Cover Options

The Top Cover Options section has several options that allow a user to indicate particular top covering requirements.

No PU Undercover

The No PU Undercover option allows a user to request that no PU layer will be applied prior to Top Cover application.

Many laboratories use low cost polyurethane as an in-between layer to help clinicians to quickly remove highly adhesive covers like Neoprene or EVA.

Round Poron Finish

The Round Poron Finish option allows a user to request that any Poron selected as a Second Cover or Third Cover be rounded around the perimeter prior to application of the Top Cover.

Selecting this option may result in a forefoot that is not completely flat. The variation in the forefoot will depend on the thickness of the Poron being applied as a Second Cover or Third Cover.


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