Device Options - Machined EVA

Device Options - Machined EVA

This page explains all relevant features on the Device Options page of LaserCAM Prescribe for Machined EVA prescription.



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Page Fields

Device Options is divided into multiple categories that help a user to easily navigate between prescription options.

Intrinsic Options

Laminated Arch

Laminated Arch requests the adhesion of EVA to the medial longitudinal arch (MLA) to ensure that the contour of the MLA matches the 3D scan morphology.

It is good practice to request a Laminated Arch if you would like your Machined EVA orthoses to closely conform to the MLA region of the foot.

Available SelectionsMinimum ValueMaximum Value
None (Default)
Yes (Morphology Based)
Yes (Specific Height)20mm90mm


This is the default selection and indicates that the MLA will not be laminated being the standard height of the EVA used during machining.

Not requesting a Laminated Arch can result in a less conformational MLA.

Yes (Morphology Based)

This selection indicates that a user requires the medial arch to be laminated if required, and to follow the morphology of the foot.

Some laboratories will provide a Laminated Arch as a default. We recommend you confirm with your laboratory as to their specific standards.

Yes (Specific Height)

This selection indicates that a user requires the medial arch to be laminated to a specific height in millimetres.

If you are unsure about what height to request, try selecting Yes (Morphology Based) instead.

First Ray Grind

First Ray Grind requests the removal of EVA from the midpoint of the first metatarsal and is specified in millimetres.

Default ValueMinimum ValueMaximum Value

A great alternative to a First Ray Grind is to plantarflex the first metatarsal during 3D scan capture.

Maintain Plantarflexed First Ray

The Maintain Plantarflexed First Ray option can be selected when a user would like the transverse arch to be intrinsically maintained based on the foot morphology.

As a general rule, the transverse arch that will be maintained intrinsically will be more pronounced as the forefoot valgus angle increases. Plantarflexing the first metatarsal during 3D scan capture can also result in an increase in the transverse arch height relative to the 1st and 5th metatarsal heads.

The image below shows a wireframe view of a 3D scan with a forefoot valgus alignment.

The image below shows the transverse arch region in red, which will be maintained if Maintain Plantarflexed First Ray is selected.

This will be positioned according to individual foot morphology, however the image below provides an approximation of the area of this transverse arch.

Maintain Forefoot Varus/Valgus

The Maintain Forefoot Varus/Valgus option allows a user to have a greater level of control regarding the specificity of any intrinsically captured Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus morphology.

Available Selections
None (Default)
Morphology Based
Specific Thickness (mm)

You must have captured a Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus if requesting this Device Option.


This is the default selection and allows a user to request that no Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus be maintained intrinsically within a Machined EVA orthosis.

Some laboratories maintain a Morphology Based Forefoot Valgus as a standard. You will need to communicate with your laboratory for more specific information.

Morphology Based

This allows a user to request that any intrinsically captured Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus be maintained intrinsically within a Machined EVA orthosis.

Available Selections
Standard Taper (Default)
Taper to Sulcus
Taper to Distal Edge
No Taper

The image above represents a Forefoot Varus.

Standard Taper

This allows a user to request that a laboratory taper the intrinsically captured Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus wedging as per their discretion.

Taper to Sulcus

This allows a user to request that a laboratory taper the intrinsically captured Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus to the sulcus as per their discretion.

Taper to Distal Edge

This allows a user to request that a laboratory taper the intrinsically captured Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus to the distal edge of the orthosis, leading to a more gradual taper.

No Taper

This allows a user to request that a laboratory taper the intrinsically captured Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus suddenly from the centre of the 1st (Forefoot Varus) or 5th (Forefoot Valgus) metatarsal head.

Specific Thickness (mm)

This option can only be selected if a 3D scan has a Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus alignment, or the 3D scan is everted to create a Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus alignment. If these conditions are not met, then an Inversion Ramp or Eversion Ramp are potentially superior prescriptive options as they allow for a more objective and less manual addition of this type of addition.

This allows a user to request that a laboratory taper the intrinsically captured Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus to a specific thickness in millimetres (mm).

The image above represents a Forefoot Varus.

This is often used in combination with a First Ray Extension manufactured from PPT that comes into direct contact with the foot, and a Morton's Extension manufactured from polypropylene on the plantar surface.

Heel Cup Height

The Heel Cup Height option allows a user to select from non-specific or specific heel cup height selections.

Available SelectionsMinimum ValueMaximum Value
Standard (Default)
Maintain Maximum Height
Specific Thickness (mm)0mm30mm

This allows a user to request that a laboratory lower the height of the medial and lateral heel as deemed appropriate for the strength and best application of top cover materials.

Please note that this heel cup height is dependent on the Orthosis Top Width (US) selection. An Orthosis Top Width (US) selection that is too narrow for the patients foot will result in a low heel height.

Try requesting an increase in Orthosis Top Width (US) in order to achieve a higher heel cup.

Maintain Maximum Height

This allows a user to request that a laboratory maintain the maximum height possible at the medial and lateral heel.

Specific Thickness (mm)

This allows a user to request a specific medial and lateral heel height.

If the Orthosis Top Width (US) is too narrow, then a Specific Thickness (mm) may not be achievable due to a lack of material.

Extra Heel Expansion

The Extra Heel Expansion option allows a user to request additional material be removed from the internal aspect of the medial, rear and lateral heel region of an orthosis.

Available SelectionsDefault ValueMinimum ValueMaximum Value

Please note that you can select LateralMedial and Rear in a single prescription if required.


This allows a user to request that a laboratory remove a specific thickness of material from the internal lateral heel cup.

The red region indicates the region of the heel that is manually removed when requesting this option.

This is the region of the foot that expands the most under weight-bearing conditions. It is recommended that you consider the soft tissue expansion more closely if capturing patient 3D scans or casts from a non-weight bearing position.


This allows a user to request that a laboratory remove a specific thickness of material from the internal medial heel cup.

The red region indicates the region of the heel that is manually removed when requesting this option.

Please note that requesting this option may effect the degree of Rearfoot Posting that may be intrinsically present in the same region of the orthosis.


This allows a user to request that a laboratory remove a specific thickness of material from the internal rear heel cup.

The red region indicates the region of the heel that is manually removed when requesting this option.

This is performed manually by technicians and is commonly measured using thickness callipers for accuracy.

MLA Bulk Reduction

The MLA Bulk Reduction option allows a user to request that material be removed intrinsically from either the medial, lateral or both sides of the Plantar Fascia Accommodation in the MLA.

Available SelectionsDefault ValueMinimum ValueMaximum Value

No material will be removed from the MLA on either side of the Plantar Fascia Accommodation.

The image above represents a cross section of the foot orthosis in the frontal plane. The medial side is on the left and the lateral side is on the right.


A specified thickness of material will be removed from the MLA on the medial side of the Plantar Fascia Accommodation.

The red region represents the material removed by selecting this option.


A specified thickness of material will be removed from the MLA on the lateral side of the Plantar Fascia Accommodation.

The red region represents the material removed by selecting this option.


A specified thickness of material will be removed from the MLA on the both sides of the Plantar Fascia Accommodation.

The red region represents the material removed by selecting this option.

Extrinsic Options

Extrinsic Heel Lift

The Extrinsic Heel Lift option allows a user to request a custom EVA wedge be adhered to the plantar surface of the orthosis. The thickness may be customised, as well as the degree of taper and the density of EVA.

Available SelectionsAvailable MaterialsMinimum ValueMaximum Value
Standard Taper

EVA 350 (Default)

EVA 400

EVA 260

EVA 220

EVA 190

EVA 125

Tapered to MPJ's0mm30mm
Tapered to Sulcus0mm30mm
Tapered to Distal Edge0mm30mm

Please note that you should contact your laboratory for specific information on the available materials.

Standard Taper

The Extrinsic Heel Lift will be tapered from the proximal heel to no thickness in-line with the peak of the medial longitudinal arch. The specified thickness will be measured from the heel centre as indicated by the pink line in the image below.

Tapered to MPJ's

The Extrinsic Heel Lift will be tapered from the proximal heel to no thickness in-line with the metatarsophalangeal joints. The specified thickness will be measured from the heel centre as indicated by the pink line in the image below.

Tapered to Sulcus

The Extrinsic Heel Lift will be tapered from the proximal heel to no thickness in-line with the sulcus. The specified thickness will be measured from the heel centre as indicated by the pink line in the image below.

Tapered to Distal Edge

The Extrinsic Heel Lift will be tapered from the proximal heel to no thickness at the distal edge of the orthosis. The specified thickness will be measured from the heel centre as indicated by the pink line in the image below.

Full Length Wedge

The Full Length Wedge option allows a user to request a custom EVA wedge be manufactured at a specified angle of Inversion or Eversion. A specific EVA density can also be selected.

Available SelectionsAvailable MaterialsMinimum ValueMaximum Value

EVA 350 (Default)

EVA 400

EVA 260

EVA 220

EVA 190

EVA 125


This option is often requested in the place of an Inversion Ramp or Eversion Ramp, as this is an extrinsically applied wedge that may be more easily adjusted.

Please note that you should contact your laboratory for specific information on the available materials.


The Full Length Wedge will be inverted at the specified angle.


The Full Length Wedge will be everted at the specified angle.

Gait Plate

The Gait Plate option allows a user to request a polypropylene plate of a specific thickness be adhered to the plantar surface of the orthosis.

Gait Plates are commonly used in paediatric cases where there is a rotational deformity that is effecting the lower limb.

Available SelectionsAvailable Materials

Polypropylene 2.0mm

Polypropylene 3.0mm

Polypropylene 4.0mm


The Gait Plate will be manufactured for an in-toeing gait pattern. The Gait Plate will start proximal to the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint and then extend distal to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint.

Ganjehie (2017) found that In-Toe Gait Plates can be used to improve gait appearance in children with in-toeing gait pattern due to excessive femoral anteversion.


The Gait Plate will be manufactured for an out-toeing gait pattern. The Gait Plate will start proximal to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint and then extend distal to the 1th metatarsophalangeal joint.


First Ray Extension

The First Ray Extension option allows a user to request an extension that is adhered to the dorsal surface of the orthosis prior to top cover application. This extension begins at the midpoint of the 1st metatarsal and is extended to the distal edge of the orthosis.

Available SelectionsAvailable MaterialsMinimum ValueMaximum Value


EVA 400

EVA 350

EVA 260

EVA 220

EVA 190

EVA 125



PPT (PORON Patina)

PPT (PORON Slow Release)



Please note that you should contact your laboratory for specific information on the available materials.


Selecting this option allows a user to pick from the EVA material list.


Selecting this option allows a user to pick from the PPT material list.

Reverse Morton's Extension

The Reverse Morton's Extension option allows a user to request an extension that is adhered to the dorsal surface of the orthosis prior to top cover application. This extension begins at the midpoint of the 1st metatarsal and is extended to the sulcus of the orthosis.

Available SelectionsAvailable MaterialsMinimum ValueMaximum Value

EVA 120 3.0mm

EVA 190 2.0mm

EVA 190 3.0mm

EVA 220 3.0mm

EVA 350 3.0mm

EVA 350 4.0mm


PPT (PORON) 1.6mm

PPT (PORON) 3.2mm

PPT (PORON) 6.4mm

PPT (PORON) 10.0mm

PPT (PORON Patina) 3.2mm

PPT (PORON Slow Release) 3.2mm

PPT (PORON Slow Release) 6.4mm



A user is not able to specify thickness for a Reverse Morton's Extension when selecting the EVA or PPT selection options. This is due to the difficult in manufacturing this adjustment at non-standard thicknesses.


Selecting this option allows a user to request the Reverse Morton's Extension be designed intrinsically. This results in an adjustment of a specified thickness that is the same density as the requested Density & Colour that is selected from the Shoe Fitting page.


Selecting this option allows a user to request the Reverse Morton's Extension be manufactured from a specific density and thickness of EVA.


Selecting this option allows a user to request the Reverse Morton's Extension be manufactured from a specific density and thickness of EVA.

This prescription option is often selected in combination with an Aperture to the 1st MPJ.

Morton's Extension

The Morton's Extension option allows a user to request an extension that is adhered to the plantar surface. This extension begins at the midpoint of the 1st metatarsal and is extended to the distal edge of the orthosis.

Available SelectionsAvailable MaterialsMinimum ValueMaximum Value

EVA 120

EVA 190

EVA 220

EVA 260

EVA 350

EVA 400




Polypropylene 2.0mm

Polypropylene 3.0mm

Polypropylene 4.0mm


Selecting this option allows a user to request the Morton's Extension be manufactured from a specific density and thickness of EVA.


Selecting this option allows a user to request the Morton's Extension be manufactured from a specific thickness of polypropylene.

It is important to consider the patient's weight and activity as this will contribute to the required thickness and resultant stiffness of the selected material.

Morton's Extension is commonly used to alter motion and plantar loading patterns in patient's with hallux rigidus.

The image below represents a hypothetical example of the maximum achievable flexion at the forefoot of an orthosis with a Morton's Extension applied.

Custom Shaping

It is important to note that a Flange is an increase in the width and the height of an orthosis, and a Flare is simply an increase in the width of the orthosis.

Medial Heel Flange/Flare

The Medial Heel Flange/Flare option allows a user to request that an orthosis be manufactured with an increase in width and height (flange), or width alone (flare) at the medial heel.

Available SelectionsMinimum ValueMaximum Value

Selecting this option allows a user to request a Medial Heel Flange of a specific width. The height will be dependent on the morphology of the top surface of the machined EVA orthosis.


Selecting this option allows a user to request a Medial Heel Flare of a specific width.

Lateral Heel Flange/Flare

The Lateral Heel Flange/Flare option allows a user to request that an orthosis be manufactured with an increase in width and height (flange), or width alone (flare) at the lateral heel.

Available SelectionsMinimum ValueMaximum Value

Selecting this option allows a user to request a Lateral Heel Flange of a specific width. The height will be dependent on the morphology of the top surface of the machined EVA orthosis.


Selecting this option allows a user to request a Lateral Heel Flare of a specific width.

Medial Midfoot Flange/Flare

The Medial Midfoot Flange/Flare option allows a user to request that an orthosis be manufactured with an increase in width and height (flange), or width alone (flare) at the medial midfoot.

Available SelectionsMinimum ValueMaximum Value

Selecting this option allows a user to request a Medial Midfoot Flange of a specific width. The height will be dependent on the morphology of the top surface of the machined EVA orthosis.


Selecting this option allows a user to request a Medial Midfoot Flare of a specific width.

Lateral Midfoot Flange/Flare

The Lateral Midfoot Flange/Flare option allows a user to request that an orthosis be manufactured with an increase in width and height (flange), or width alone (flare) at the lateral midfoot.

Available SelectionsMinimum ValueMaximum Value

Selecting this option allows a user to request a Lateral Midfoot Flange of a specific width. The height will be dependent on the morphology of the top surface of the machined EVA orthosis.


Selecting this option allows a user to request a Lateral Midfoot Flare of a specific width.


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