SOP: Forefoot Varus/Valgus Measurement

SOP: Forefoot Varus/Valgus Measurement

The following illustrates a standard operating procedure (SOP) for measuring the forefoot varus/valgus within LaserCAM Prescribe.


LaserCAM Prescribe installed


Measure Forefoot Varus/Valgus using LaserCAM Prescribe
Record Forefoot Varus/Valgus

Forefoot Measurement Methods

The Forefoot Varus/Valgus measurement is used as a reference measurement during the computer-aided design process. As such, this measurement should be taken from within LaserCAM Prescribe after 3D scanning.


Capture/Import Scan

  1. Create New Prescription, or select an Active Job and click Continue

  2. Click 3D Scans

  3. Capture a 3D scan, or click Import and select desired 3D scan

Orientate 3D Scan

  1. Click the view cube that provides a posterior heel view

  2. Orientate the scan in the frontal plane

Measure Forefoot Varus/Valgus

The frontal plane measurement directly impacts the morphology of the manufactured foot orthosis. This measurement must be provided by a suitably trained health care professional only.

  1. Measure the Forefoot Varus/Valgus using the Measure Right-Angle tool

  2. Click Clinical Measures

  3. Enter your measurement in Forefoot Varus or Forefoot Valgus

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