SOP: Requesting Remakes

SOP: Requesting Remakes

The following illustrates a standard operating procedure (SOP) for requesting remakes using LaserCAM Prescribe.


Active internet connection

LaserCAM Prescribe installed

Access to previous patient archive

Patient Archive

LaserCAM Prescribe stores prescription archives in the C:\3DScanner\Archive folder.

Please remember, that if you work within a clinic that has multiple PC’s with LaserCAM Prescribe installed, then patient archives may not be present on your local PC.

The C:\3DScanner\Archive folder is often shared across networked clinical PC’s using a Network Attached Storage (NAS) for easier maintenance of patient archives.


Import patient archive
Submit prescription


Import Patient Archive

  1. Open LaserCAM Prescribe

  2. Click the Remake button from the top bar

  3. Select the patient archive .zip

  4. Click Open

LaserCAM Prescribe will prompt you with information detailing any prescriptive variables that your laboratory no longer offer.

Review Prescription

  1. Review all pages of LaserCAM Prescribe to ensure that the prescription is correct

Data that fails to import successfully will be pasted into the notes sections on the Notes & Attachments page.

Submit Prescription

  1. Click Review Prescription

  2. Click Finalise Prescription → Confirm & Send to Lab

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