SOP: Applying Toe Plate in Editor

SOP: Applying Toe Plate in Editor

The following illustrates a standard operating procedure (SOP) for positioning and applying a Toe Plate.


  • 3D foot scans processed in FotoView

Refer to the following guide for more information:

SOP: Processing Foot Data in FotoView


Apply a Toe Plate in Editor
Understand the Toe Plate shape required for a Forefoot Varus and Forefoot Valgus


General Procedure

  1. Click File → Open Script and select patient .SCRIPT file.

  2. Click the Toe Plate button from the top right of the window.


  3. After clicking Toe Plate, a Toe Plate (Spline) window will appear and two blue lines with control points will appear on the Insole layer.

  1. The blue square control points can then be positioned with reference to the morphology of the Scan and Insole layers.

Forefoot Varus/Supinatus

The proximal Toe Plate control points have been positioned to be in line with the talonavicular joint medially and the calcaneocuboid joint laterally.

The distal Toe Plate control points have been positioned to be in between the lowest points of the MPJ joints and the sulcus of the foot.

Forefoot Valgus

The proximal Toe Plate control points have been positioned to be in line with the talonavicular joint medially and the calcaneocuboid joint laterally. Additionally, the third control point has been positioned more distally with respect to the transverse arch of the foot.

The distal Toe Plate control points have been positioned so that the second control point is in-line with the centre of the 1st MPJ. The third control point has been placed in-line with the 2nd MPJ but slightly distally and at the sulcus. The remaining control points are positioned in a straight line.

This shape results in the maintenance of an intrinsic Forefoot Valgus with a transverse arch maintained based on the morphology of the foot.

  1. Click Apply Toe Plate

  1. Click Apply to save the changes to the Toe Plate and Insole.

  1. Click the 3D layer to display the 3D scan of the patient’s foot. This can be used to confirm that the Toe Plate has been applied accurately.

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