SOP: Heel Bisection Measurement

SOP: Heel Bisection Measurement

The following illustrates a standard operating procedure (SOP) for measuring the heel bisection visible on a 3D colour scan within LaserCAM Prescribe.


LaserCAM Prescribe installed

3D scanner capable of generating 3D colour scans

3D scan with a visible heel bisection


Measure heel bisection using LaserCAM Prescribe
Record Scan Angle

Heel Bisection Method

The heel bisection is used as a reference measurement during the computer-aided design process. As such is not assumed, nor required, to have any relationship with subtalar joint neutral.


Capture/Import Scan

  1. Create New Prescription, or select an Active Job and click Continue

  2. Click 3D Scans

  3. Capture a 3D scan, or click Import and select desired 3D scan

Orientate 3D Scan

  1. Click the view cube that provides a posterior heel view

  2. Orientate the scan in the frontal plane

Measure Heel Bisection

The heel bisection measurement directly impacts the morphology of the manufactured foot orthosis. This measurement must be provided by a suitably trained health care professional only.

  1. Measure the heel bisection using the Measure Right-Angle tool

  2. Click Clinical Measures

  3. Enter your measurement in Scan Angle

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