Plantar Modifiers - Vacuum Formed

Plantar Modifiers - Vacuum Formed

This page explains all relevant features on the Plantar Modifiers page of LaserCAM Prescribe for Vacuum Formed prescription.



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Plantar Arch Fill

A Plantar Arch Fill is a modification applied to the plantar surface of a Vacuum Formed orthosis in the region inferior to the inner longitudinal arch (ILA).

This modification increases the resistance to bending and torsional stresses applied to the orthosis when load is applied.

Available Selections

The available material selections for Plantar Arch Fill are laboratory specific.


Flat selection indicates that the entire base of the Vacuum Formed orthosis will be flat.

Please ensure that you correctly assess footwear to ensure that a Flat selection is appropriate. Not conforming to the contour of footwear can result in 


Contoured selection indicates that the Plantar Arch Fill will be concave in shape as to allow for an easier clinical fitting experience with a range of footwear.


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