Clinical User - Getting Started
Welcome to our Clinical User - Getting Started guide.
This guide is right for you if you are a clinician wanting to submit digital prescriptions to a laboratory that manufactures with the LaserCAM Orthotics CADCAM system.
Active internet connection
Your laboratories LaserCAM Lab Code
Please contact your compliant laboratory for this code.
Windows 8, 10 or 11 (x64 bit)
If you are running macOS, then you will need to install Windows using a software such as Parallels.
Please be aware that some functionality may be limited using this method.
Download LaserCAM Setup
You should have been provided a LaserCAM Setup from one of our staff.
Please request a copy here if you haven’t yet completed the download request form.
Run LaserCAM Setup
Navigate to your download directory and right click the LaserCAM_Setup.exe.
The downloaded file will likely be located in the following folder.
Default Download Location
If Windows Defender SmartScreen prevents the application from starting, please click More info followed by Run Anyway.
Select Required Components
From the drop-down list select CFO Prescription & Scanning and click Next followed by Install.
The following dialogue box appears then software has previously been installed on your PC.
The installer will not overwrite patient files, however if you have configured files particular for CNC machinery then we recommend that you take a backup of the following folder prior to clicking Yes.
Recommended to Backup
Update Lab Code
After installation LaserCAM Prescribe will automatically open.
If LaserCAM Prescribe does not automatically open your antivirus software may be blocking the application from launching.
We recommend that you navigate to the quarantine list in your antivirus software and create an exclusion for any LaserCAM Orthotics software that has been blocked.
If Windows Defender SmartScreen prevents the application from starting, please click More info followed by Run Anyway.
Click the Settings icon from the top right corner and select Update Lab Code.
Type in your laboratories LaserCAM Lab Code.
The code below is the default LaserCAM Lab Code. If this is not updated, then your laboratory will not recieve your digital prescriptions.
After clicking OK, LaserCAM Prescribe will restart and automatically update.
Update Clinic Details
Click the Settings icon from the top right corner and select Clinic Details.
The Clinics and Clinicians lists will be empty by default.
Click in the required sections and enter all information accurately.
Please remember that the Postal Address that you enter is where orthoses will be delivered to. It is important that you enter this information accurately.
Click Save prior to exiting the page.
Create Sample Prescription
To confirm that LaserCAM Prescribe has been successfully installed and configured to submit digital prescription to your chosen laboratory you will need to submit a prescription.
Create New Prescription
Click New Prescription from the Start page.
You may select any format of available prescription to test your software.
Enter Patient Details
On the Patient Details page, enter the following for First Name and Last Name.
Import 3D Scans
If you have a LaserCAM VPS 3D scanner then we recommend that you capture a scan of a sample object to test that the scanner is working correctly with the software, as opposed to importing a 3D scan.
On the 3D Scans page click the Import button.
Navigate to the following folder and select left foot scan.
Example Foot Scans Folder
C:\3DScanner\Example\Foot Scans
Repeat this process for the right foot.
Submit Sample Prescription
Navigate to the Review Prescription page.
Select Finalise Prescription → Finalise & Send to Lab.
Click Yes to submit your prescription.
The following dialogue box will appear if the submission has been successfully submitted.
Congratulations LaserCAM Prescribe is now ready to send files to your lab.
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If you require further support, please submit a support ticket below.